Contact Us Today! 734-247-8000
Contact Us Today! 734-247-8000
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26955 Northline Road, Taylor, Michigan 48180
Contact Us Today! 734-247-8000
October 11
6-8 p.m.
Summit on the Park Banquet Center
46000 Summit Parkway
Youths ages 7-12 are invited to this safe and supervised kids' Halloween party, which features a costume contest, pizza dinner, magic show and more spooky fun! Pre-registration is required. Tickets are $21 for Canton residents and $27 for non-residents.
PLEASE NOTE: We at TODAY Magazines do our best to make sure listed event details are correct. Please make sure to check the event's website or Facebook page for the most up-to-date information.
Address: 26955 Northline Road
Taylor, Michigan 48180
Phone: 734-247-8000
Fax: 734-941-9129