Contact Us Today! 734-247-8000
Contact Us Today! 734-247-8000
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26955 Northline Road, Taylor, Michigan 48180
Contact Us Today! 734-247-8000
March 8
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Schoolcraft College
Vistatech Center
18600 Haggerty Road
The annual Livonia Home Improvement Show will feature around 50 exhibitors at the Schoolcraft College Vistatech Center, presented by CVF Credit Union and Schoolcraft College.
FREE admission and parking, this show gathers local contractors and businesses for home owners looking to upgrade their kitchen or bathroom, hire a landscaper, redo their driveway, clean their windows or get new ones and so much more!
PLEASE NOTE: We at TODAY Magazines do our best to make sure listed event details are correct. Please make sure to check the event's website or Facebook page for the most up-to-date information.
Address: 26955 Northline Road
Taylor, Michigan 48180
Phone: 734-247-8000
Fax: 734-941-9129