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VBPS: We're Not Playing Games

Published in 2024 Van Buren Today Fourth Quarter

Belleville High School partners with Boys and Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan to educate students, teach invaluable skills

belleville high school boys and girls clubs of southeastern michigan partnerships
Belleville High School students are experiencing "computer classes" at a completely different level this year. Thanks to the district's partnership with Boys and Girls Club of Southeastern Michigan (BGCSM), our students are learning up-to-date programming and developing skills that are relevant for today and beyond.

For the 2024-2025 school year, two courses have been offered and are being taught by industry professionals. Their purpose is to share their success with students and to prepare them with skills for careers that don't yet exist...


Overall the course is teaching students about gaming careers and creating opportunities for finding a job in video gaming and simulations.

Students are obtaining many skills, from developing games, to streaming, to successfully organizing tournaments.

And this is not only about playing video games. Students are also being taught about creating simulations for the business world. As more businesses turn to digital platforms for employee training and professional development, simulations are proving to be an efficient and effective way to support adult learning. This includes simulations for training medical staff, firefighters, pilots, etc., ranging from beginners to advanced professionals. Businesses like Amazon also use simulations for logistics modeling, traffic flow and supply chain optimization.

Our instructor, Mr. Nathaniel McClure, worked for Activision in the early stages of Call of Duty, which was initially a World War II simulation, and spent years creating games and being immersed in the gaming industry. Over time, McClure made a conscious decision to shift the focus of his work once the games began to shift toward "modern warfare". He went on to start his own company and created a different simulation game, Real Heroes Firefighter, which has earned several awards and commendations.

"Seeing a connection between our teams and having a career in it is huge,” said Mark Darket, one of Esport's instructors about McClure. “He's done it. It's different from having a teacher describe it, they are working with someone who has firsthand experience."

In this course, BHS students imagine and pitch their own concept, improve on existing games, learn varying levels of streaming, and gain other skills that are important for the industry, including:
• Development
• Animation
• Sound Development
• Programming
• Marketing
• Planning and facilitating tournaments
• Marketing a stream

Currently plans are being put in place for students to tour Eastern Michigan University's updated facility, where a large collegiate Esports team has been built that competes nationally. Just like with other sports, students have the opportunity to earn scholarships and be suited to enter the competitive gaming field.


In the Apple-based Code2Careers course, Boys and Girls Clubs has provided a team of professionals whose aim is to make coding and design enjoyable and relevant for young minds. By equipping teens with valuable technical skills and igniting their passion for creativity and problem-solving through coding, they are empowering our next generation of innovators. The course brings with it access to Apple iMacs – provided by BGCSM – and students are developing coding skills in a fun and interactive environment.

Early in the semester, students started exploring the fundamentals of how code influences an app's functionality. They are discovering the critical importance of precision and attention to detail, as even a minor error, like a misplaced comma, can render a program completely inoperable. As they advance, the experience becomes even more valuable as they gain hands-on practice developing apps and games that mirror the real-world applications users interact with daily on smartphones and computers. Toward the end of the course, participants will build a portfolio showcasing their creative projects, which can be valuable for future academic or career pursuits.

Through these programs, our students are gaining invaluable experience in technology, digital creation and innovation – equipping them for success in whatever paths they pursue. We are excited to offer them these opportunities, empowering them to "Walk in Purpose, Move with Excellence and Focus on Achievement." GO TIGERS!

Experienced instructors with backgrounds in coding, design education and engaging with teens will lead the sessions, providing guidance and support throughout the program, ensuring that our students are receiving invaluable lessons every day.


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