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Keeping Brownstown Safe...

Published in 2024 Brownstown Today Third Quarter

with a little help from our friends

By Deputy Chief Andrew Starzec

brownstown police scene
In the academy, police recruits are taught to be respectfully inquisitive, dig deep into investigations and to go where the evidence leads you. It is imperative not to be narrow-minded and to make sure we follow the evidence to bring those responsible for crimes to justice. However, it’s important to know that we can’t do everything alone.

The Brownstown Police Department is structured in a way that the first line investigators are the road officers who respond to your calls for service. They will determine what crimes may have occurred, begin the preliminary investigation, gather details and ask for additional resources when necessary.

Where we differ from other agencies is that we have highly trained evidence technicians working on every shift. The evidence technicians are road patrol officers who volunteered to undergo additional training with the understanding that they will be responsible for processing all mid-level and major crime scenes that take place on their shift.

Their training is an intensive two-week course, typically held at the Wayne County Regional Police Academy. They learn scene security and preservation, fingerprint and DNA collection, blood spatter identification, footprint molds, photography and much more.

After high misdemeanor cases are investigated by the road officers, shift supervisors will review the initial report and determine if there is enough evidence available for the cases to continue. If so, then it is forward to the detective bureau. The detective bureau supervisor then follows up with all victims of high misdemeanor and felony crimes in the township to obtain any additional information that may have become available since the original report.

The supervisor may then assign the case to a detective for further interviews, laboratory follow up, computer forensics and anything else that may benefit the case to lead to charges.

Though Brownstown is very safe, there are occasions where very complex cases arise that require even more specialized attention.

In 2021, the Downriver Mutual Aid (DMA) consortium re-established the Downriver Major Crime Task Force. This is a highly trained group of investigators from all 18 Downriver communities that is available to help one another in the event of a significant criminal investigation.

This is not to diminish the capabilities of the individual agencies but intended to supplement and bolster efforts to bring violent crimes to a peaceful conclusion for the victims.

We have been the leaders of this effort since its inception. I had the pleasure of leading this group for the past three years but it is now time to pass the torch. Deputy Chief Jeff Brust, of the Woodhaven Police Department, will lead the team until the DMA chiefs can hold interviews with interested leaders to fill the vacancy.

Criminal charges, arrest and conviction of offenders is the best outcome when crimes do occur. We are proud to have the organization, training and drive to ensure we can meet that goal and we are honored to be here for you in a time of need.


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