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Expanding Horizons

Published in 2024 Southgate Today Third Quarter

Multi-sport camp offers students different experiences, fun

multi-sport camp southgate public schools
It's an exciting time to be a kid who likes sports in Southgate. Not only can sixth graders play school football again, there was also the introduction of the Train Like a Titan athletic camp, which happened for the first time this year.

“In the past we’ve had individual sports camps but this is the first year we’ve offered a camp where the students get to try a variety of different sports,” said Beth Hinzmann, career navigator and community education director for Southgate Community Schools.

She said that offering a camp like this gives kids many opportunities to learn.

“When kids are in elementary school, there’s so many sports that they haven’t tried yet,” she said. “If they’ve never tried golf or tennis – they don’t know if they will like it. By offering it this way they get a little taste of everything.”

Another benefit to the camp participants is they get knowledge and input from older school athletes.

“We asked our three-sport athletes who show outstanding leadership qualities in the classroom and on the athletic field to act as counselors throughout the week,” Hinzmann said. “We had 30 Anderson Titans who volunteered to give up a week of their time during the extreme heat to mentor our young campers. I’m not sure who had more fun – the counselors or the campers!”

Southgate Anderson Athletic Director Eric Schambers came up with the idea to have the multi-sport camp, and Jane Kurkowski, Anderson JV basketball coach, helped plan and run the camp.

The Train Like a Titan camp happened during the week of July 17-21 from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. everyday. Each day the kids – who ranged in age from kindergarten through eighth grade – had a choice between different sessions of sports, which included football, volleyball, cheer, weightlifting, basketball, wrestling, track and field, tennis, golf and swimming. Also included in the time was an hour spent with the counselors, building relationships and doing activities like playing Uno, reading books, playing cards, cup stacking, playing Simon Says, and overall getting to know each other.

The campers also learned some life lessons.

“The camp helped them develop healthy habits they could use throughout their life,” she said. “Working with the older Titans created bonds and gave them role models to look up to. Personally I think that was one of the greatest benefits of the camp. Now, when they got to a Titan football game or volleyball game they can look on the court and say, ‘That person was my counselor.’ It also gives them goals to aspire to.”

The camp was free to any student attending Southgate Community Schools and $200 for out-of-district students.

The first-time camp had 121 campers attend and 30 counselors.

“It was inspiring being able to see the camp in a different perspective,” said Counselor Brooklyn Sage. “It was heartwarming being able to watch the young athletes grow in their athletic abilities.”

Brooklyn is a state-qualifying wrestler, who placed sixth and seventh, and has earned varsity letters in cheer and softball. Brooklyn also has a 4.0 GPA and is a class officer.

Bronx Sage, an Allen Elementary fifth grader, had this to say: “I really liked playing and learning different sports. It was fun.”

Next year's camp will be held from June 16 to June 20. Look for registration for this and other summer enrichment camps to come out on the district’s website next April.

“We hope to involve even more students!” Hinzmann said.


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