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Where There's Smoke...

Published in 2025 Wyandotte Today First Quarter

Fire Department joins MI Prevention campaign to help reduce fire fatalities

PHOTO: Wyandotte Firefighters (from left to right): Patrick Nagle, Brandon Elders, Jeremy Waara, Adrianna Hutchinson

Wyandotte Fire Department joins MI Prevention campaign to help reduce fire fatalities
Wyandotte Fire Department is proud to announce it has joined the MI Prevention campaign to reduce fire fatalities in the city. The residential smoke alarm installation and Michigander fire education program is funded by the State of Michigan Bureau of Fire Services.

The department has joined the MI Prevention statewide fire safety campaign through the State Fire Marshal, the Bureau of Fire Services and Michigan’s fire safety organizations.

In order to protect the health and safety of high-risk populations in Wyandotte and other targeted areas, Wyandotte Fire Department is participating in MI Prevention by installing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors free of charge in homes that do not have working detectors.

“Having working smoke alarms in your home and making fire safety a constant priority are the best ways to prevent fires before they start, and stop fire-related deaths and injuries,” said Wyandotte Fire Chief Jeremy Moline. “The Wyandotte Fire Department is looking forward to this opportunity to help the citizens, and grow our community risk reduction in the city.”

More than just an alarm give-away program, this campaign is an actual home installation program, with an educational component to increase awareness and knowledge about fire safety to achieve a sustained behavioral change. Upon the homeowner’s request, personnel from the Fire Department will install the 10-year life expectancy alarms for residents who do not have working detectors in their homes.

Homeowners can contact the Wyandotte Fire Department to request a fire safety home visit for installation of the smoke alarms at no charge, by emailing Please make sure to leave a contact number.

Citizens can find more resources and safety information on the MI Prevention website: MI Prevention is built around a community risk reduction (CRR) program first introduced in Michigan by the Vision 20/20 and National Fire Protection Association in 2017 and is comprised of representatives from fire service, law enforcement, school officials, and other public and private organization and community leaders.


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